I am so thankful that the Lord gave me Psalm 16:8 at the beginning of last week! In case you didn't read my last post, Psalm 16:8 says "I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken." That verse came to my mind often last week, and it gave me the strength I needed to make it through each struggle I had to face. I'm sure it will continue to come to mind in the coming days and weeks because there is definitely a spiritual battle going on in the life of someone close to me.
This person has been a Christian for a long time, but this person has been praying for a few things for a long time and has become frustrated that those prayers aren't being answered. It is so hard when we feel as if the Lord isn't answering our prayers, but I also know that sometimes God's answer is one we dont' want to hear. I told this person yesterday that sometimes God's answer is "No" and maybe that's the answer the Lord gave. "No" is a hard answer to hear and sometimes we just don't like it and/or don't want to accept that answer. Sometimes God's answer is "wait", but people often grow tired of waiting and either feel that the Lord is never going to answer their prayer or they decide to take matters into their own hands. It is during these times that we need to truly trust that God does know what's best even when it feels we can't take it any more.
Today I started to read Psalm 20. I was amazed at the first 2 verses which say "May the Lord answer you when you are in distress; may the name of the God of Jacob protect you. May he send you help from the sanctuary and grant you support from Zion." because that's exactly what I needed to hear! When I read verse 4 which says "May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.", I really felt my heart struggling with a feeling of "WHY isn't that happening?!" I kept reading and had to smile when I read verse 7 which says "Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God." I just knew God was showing me that I just need to keep trusting Him in this situation.
You can't force someone to trust in God. It is something they need to do themselves. For now I will do what I can: I will trust God to answer the prayers of this individual in a clear way so that there is no way the answers can be ignored, and for this person to ACCEPT the answers God gives to those prayers. I will pray for the main situation that is causing this person to have so many doubts to be resolved quickly. Finally I will pray for that person to come to the realization to just keep trusting God and not lose faith.
I know some people know this, but God gave me words to my first two songs in April. The words to the first song have really been going through my mind a lot and I find myself singing it often. I know the Lord was preparing me for what was to come and I am in awe of His love for me! I have shared the words to this song with only a few people so far, but I just felt like I needed to share it here. I hope you all enjoy it. The title of this post is also the title of my song.
Sometimes it may seem
Like nobody cares
And even Jesus
Just doesn't seem there
But that's when your faith
Needs to take over
Just lift up your hands
And say to the Lord.
I trust you when life is easy
I trust you when life is hard
I trust you with my whole life
Because you gave your life for me.
Jesus never said
Life would be easy
But He did promise
To never leave you
So you can be sure
That He's always there
So praise the Lord and
Sing with assurance
I trust you when life is easy
I trust you when life is hard
I trust you with my whole life
Because you gave your life for me.
Trust in the Lord
with all your heart
and lean not
on your own understanding
in all your ways
acknowledge Him
and He will direct your paths
I trust you when life is easy
I trust you when life is hard
I trust you with my whole life
Because you gave your life for me.
But God Says
1 week ago
Wow. Another great post. And great lyrics too! Man, where's a guitar when I need it?
Such promise in Psalm 16 and 20. It's easy to say but so terribly hard to just trust. With all of your heart and with all of your might.
How is it that Rich Mullins said it? Surrender don't come natural to me? I'd rather fight you for something I don't really want, take what you give that I need.
Great post, Tammy!
I think it's hard for all of us to wait for answers from God. But sometimes, it takes a long, long time to see it come to pass. I had to wait and pray for 17 years to see my dad come to Christ. I had to wait 10 years before God sent us children. But both those things DID happen. It was in God's time, definitely not the time I would have chosen.
Now, I've been waiting 21 years to see my husband healed of being bipolar. I believe it will come, but as you said, you have to say "I Trust You" even when it looks like it's never going to happen.
Meanwhile, you praise God for every time a prayer DOES get answered. I think we don't praise enough when an answer comes. We just go on to the next thing ...
Hugs. Praying with you. Have you heard Casting Crowns, "Praise You in This Storm"? Give it a listen if you haven't. You can find the lyrics online. Love you, Tammy Blue
DUH, I just noticed that song in on your playlist. Just chalk it up to staying up to late again. LOL! --Tammy Blue
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