Today's two devotional readings were John 2 and Proverbs 11. I was raised in a Christian home, have gone to church my entire life, and have been a Christian from a very young age. I'm looking forward to reading through the book of John because I've read and heard these stories and passages many times, but I want to read them this time with a new attitude and really look to see what God wants to teach me this time through. He has been faithful the first two days to point things out to me and I'm confident He will continue to show me new things as long as I continue to read with an open heart and mind.
I have a study Bible so I can just look at the bottom of the page and read what is written about the verses I read if I have a question about something or just want more information. I didn't read very far when a few verses caused me to start thinking. I decided to read what my study bible had to say about the verses, but I couldn't shake MY interpretation of what those verses had to say and I figured it had to be God speaking to me. Verse 3-5 says "When the wine was gone, Jesus' mother said to him, "They have no more wine". "Dear woman, why do you bring me into this?" Jesus replied. "My time has not yet come." His mother said to the servants, "Do what he tells you."" What I got from these three verses was this: Mary went to Jesus because she knew who He was and she knew He could solve the problem that had arisen. Jesus knew her heart and told her that it wasn't time for Him to reveal Himself yet, but Mary still had hope that Jesus would do something so she told the servants to do whatever Jesus told them to do. Even though Jesus said it wasn't His time, He obeyed His mom and performed a miracle by turning the water into wine. Besides Jesus and Mary, only the servants who He spoke to and His disciples knew what had happened. I have to believe that it was Mary's faith that caused Jesus to go ahead and perform this miracle.
I also was struck by two other verses. In verse 11, it says "This, the first of His miraculous signs, Jesus performed in at Cana in Galilee. He thus revealed His glory, and His disciples put their faith in Him." Yesterday, I read that John the Baptist told people who Jesus was. Two of his own disciples immediately followed Jesus after John told them directly who Jesus was. WHY did it take them witnessing a miracle before they put their faith in Him? I found it interesting, and also sad, that Jesus' disciples had to witness a miracle before they put their faith in Him. Later, I read verse 22 and was surprised to notice what it says: "After He was raised from the dead, His disciples recalled what He had said. Then they believed the Scripture and the words that Jesus had spoken. This is referring to what Jesus said in verse 19: "Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days." Jesus DIED before the disciples believed the Scripture and what Jesus had spoken?! They had followed Him and listened to Him for 3 YEARS! They had witnessed MANY miracles! HOW could they have not believed the Scripture and His words until after He was no longer with them?! I sadly realized that there are many people like that still today. There are still people who need to first see a miracle happen before they put their faith in God. Others may read the Bible or hear it preached, but they don't believe what it says until they experience something that reveals to them that what is in the Bible is real and true. I didn't need to see a miracle happen before I put my faith in Jesus. I have been blessed to have witnessed a few miracles, and those experiences just strengthened and affirmed my faith in God. I guess these verses today helped me to realize that I can't judge people who don't believe in Jesus. If the disciples walked and talked with Jesus and didn't put their faith in Him until He performed a miracle, then how much more do people today need to be told about Jesus. They don't have the opportunity to personally see and hear Him, so we need to be sure to tell them about all He has done for us so they can start to see Jesus through us!
Proverbs 11: 12b caught my attention today. It says "a man of understanding holds his tongue." Since I have been honest and have already written in my blog about the struggle I have with controlling my tongue when I get upset, I guess it is easy to see why this verse stood out to me. I want to be the type of person who is kind and understanding and doesn't blurt things out in anger or without thinking. I want to get better at holding my tongue and thinking before I speak. I have good days where I find it easy to control my tongue, and other days when I really struggle. As I continue to pray for His guidance and turn it over to Him, I know it will become easier for me to have more good days and fewer bad days. I'm so glad God is patient with me, and with all of us!
But God Says
1 week ago
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